Tuesday, December 29, 2020


๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งAnother thing I love. Hotsprings. I call them reversed waterfalls `cause: 1. Water is coming up instead of falling down 2. Water is pleasantly warm and not refreshingly cold 3. They are rather calm than wild. Pic was taken in Greece, Halkidiki, Eleftheres. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎObrnjen slap. Kadar gre voda gor namesto dol, ko je topla namesto hladna in ko je mirna namesto divja = vrelec. To je pa idila za zimske dni. Grฤija, Halkidiki, Eleftheres, zapuลกฤen spa resort. Noro. ๐Ÿฅฐ
Another photographic quickie, sticking to the Mediterranean, more or less.
Starting off in northern Greece, the above gets very close to the Aegean coast, the following are more to the north on the borders with it's neighbours.
A new tradition perhaps, but you can find these hot springs relatively easy, so I'm not going to give the usual hints ...

#Pozar #hotsprings #hot #springs #thermal #water #waterfall #waterfalls #nature #grecia #greece #Hellas #instanature #beautyful #beauty #vacanze #terme #aqua #acqua #cascata #happy #photo #gopro #goprooftheday #hero3 #goprpohero3 #griekenland #summer #zomer #estateu_nay


pililopezs (link gone, oh no)
[ Lo que me gusta de la ayuda recรญproca y desinteresada entre dos personas es la incertidumbre de no saber, al final, quiรฉn tuvo la suerte de conocer a quiรฉn. ] #termas#thermes#aguastermales#hotsprings#pirineos#pyrenees#pyreneesfranรงaises#adventure#nature#photography#freedom#desconection#hippie#hippiestyle.

We're in France, north of the eastern Pyrenees, the above should be easy to recognize, below less so, but not unfindable.

Les bains doux, bassins naturels de sources d'eau chaude dans la nature

Islands. Above Corsica, following Sardinia.


Yesterday we visited a natural hot springs here in Sardinia, it’s an old Roman bath and it was amazing.
On a cold windy day taking our clothes off to get in to this 40 degree Celsius water felt amazing, made me sooo happy.
We stayed for over 2 hours by ourselves just relaxing in this natural spa.
Would you get in to this magical place in the middle of a field?
ืœื›ืœ ืžื™ ืฉืฉืืœ ืขืœ ื”ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืช ื”ื—ืžื™ื ื‘ื™ื ื”ืžืœื—:
1. ืžื™ืงื•ื - ืœืจืฉื•ื ื‘ waze - ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืช ื—ืžื™ื ื ื—ืœ ืงื“ื
ืœื™ื ืง - ื ืกื™ืขื” ืขื Waze ืืœ ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืช ื—ืžื™ื ื ื—ืœ ืงื“ื: https://waze.com/ul/hsv95m2r0s
2. ื—ื ื™ื” - ื™ืฉ ื—ื ื™ื•ืŸ ืขืคืจ ืงื˜ืŸ ืฆืžื•ื“ ืžื–ืจื—ื™ืช ืœื›ื‘ื™ืฉ 90 (ืœื ืžื•ืžืœืฅ ืœื—ื ื•ืช ื‘ืฉื•ืœื™ื™ื ืฉืœ ื›ื‘ื™ืฉ 90 ื’ื ื›ื™ ื–ื” ืžืกื•ื›ืŸ ื•ื’ื ื›ื™ ื ื•ืชื ื™ื ื“ื•ื—ื•ืช).
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7. ื ื•ื—ื•ืช - ื”ืžืงื•ื ื‘ื•ืกืจื™ ื•ื˜ื‘ืขื™ ื•ื–ื” ืžื” ืฉื™ืคื” ื‘ื• ืืš ืฆืจื™ืš ืœื”ื‘ื™ืŸ ืฉื–ื” ืœื ื”ื›ื™ ื ื•ื—. ืžื•ืžืœืฅ ืœื”ื‘ื™ื ื‘ืงื‘ื•ืงื™ ืžื™ื (ื’ื ืœืฉืชื™ื” ื•ื’ื ืœืฉื˜ื•ืฃ ืื—ืจ ื›ืš ืืช ื”ืžื™ื ื”ืžืœื•ื—ื™ื). ื‘ืฉืขื•ืช ื”ืฉืžืฉ ื›ื“ืื™ ืœื”ื‘ื™ื ื’ื ืฉืžืฉื™ื”.
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ืชื”ื ื• ๐Ÿ˜Ž
#deadsea #deadseaisrael #deadseasalt #deadseaminerals #deadseamud #deadsea_israel #deadseaspa #deadseamarathon #deadseahotsprings #deadseahotspring #hotspring #hotsprings #hotspringsisrael #kedem
#ื™ืื”ืžืœื— #ื™ืื”ืžืœื—๐Ÿš #ื™ืื”ืžืœื—๐ŸŒŠ #ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืช #ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืชื—ืžื™ื #ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืชื—ืžื™ืืขื™ืŸืงื“ื #ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืชื‘ืืจืฅ #ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืชื—ืžื™ืื™ืื”ืžืœื— #ื˜ื™ื•ืœื™ืื‘ืืจืฅ #ื˜ื‘ืข #ืœื˜ื™ื™ืœ #ืžืงื•ืžื•ืชืกื•ื“ื™ื™ื #ืžืขื™ื™ื ื•ืชื™ืฉืจืืœ #ืžืจืชื•ืŸื™ืื”ืžืœื— #ืจื™ืฆื” #ืœืจื•ืฅ
Finally, above an abnormality (from the shores of the Dead Sea) and below another photo I can't resist sharing from a French source chaude, already witnessed above.

From the center of the earth. Boiling water for a vulnerable, naked, frozen body.
#body #hotwater #thermalwater #hotsprings #cerdanya #cardanya #france #pyrinees #pyrinรฉescatalanes #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #phototravel

Friday, December 25, 2020

Mountains and more

is this place even real ✨✨
In this posting, I'm trying to present a couple of recent photo's I've come across which present a mountainous picture. Or if not, at the very least something that conjures up a mountainous scene (picture lots of mist). Hopefully with little or no leaves; it's afterall a bleak picture at the moment here on the northern half of our planet. The rest maybe enjoying the sunshine. But big secret. It won't last.

Seasons greetings? Or not. Above a recent photo of Austria's Maibachl, a seasonal hot spring (end of spring) but apparently flowing well again, now in December.

Hiked up to the secret hotsprings of @flims_switzerland
Continuing the Alpine theme, the above mentions hot springs of Flims. There's precious little substance to this claim; though there are many therme's nearby claiming thermal water sources. Maybe in this case the hot spring should translate as not freezing? Anyone familiar with the set up here?

Below are a more common wild therme, situated near Bormio, Italy.

This was probably the coolest hot top spot I have been to! DM me the coolest hot springs you have been to! I need new adventure!๐Ÿ˜Š
And if you haven’t seen the last vlog from here. Link in my bio!
#hotsprings #adventure #traveltips #exploremore


#fontpedrouse #bains
Heading westwards: above France slash Pyrenees, followed by below Spain slash Galicia.

ะฒะตั‡ะฝั‹ะธ̆ ะทะพะฒ ะฒะพ ะธะผั ะ‘ะพะดั€ะพะฒะฐ. ะบะปะฐััะธะบะฐ ั‚ั€ะตะบะธะฝะณะฐ ะฝะฐ ะปะตะดะฝะธะบ ะšะพะปะบะฐ ั ั„ะธะทะธั‡ะตัะบะพะธ̆ ะฝะฐะณั€ัƒะทะบะพะธ̆ ะฒ 20 ะบะผ, ั„ัะฑ ะธ ะฟัะธั…ะพะปะพะณะธั‡ะตัะบะธะผ ั‚ะตัั‚ะธั€ะพะฒะฐะฝะธะตะผ ะดัƒั…ะฐ ะธ ัƒะผะฐ. ะ“ะตั€ะพะธ ัƒั‚ั€ะฐ : @artopologo @pavlotos @afanasyeva.diet @zovlesa @ekatterinan @ganhen @alice_markova @dstrakh @lenahusky @ju_julvern @pen_np @annartemieva ะธ @soslanrocktour
Eastwards, the below always conjures up a wintery scene (Pyatigorsk). 
Above, I suspect a less often visited hot spring in possibly North Ossetia.

#hotsprings #hotspring #hot #morning #morningmood #girl