Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Los Baños de Vilo
Se trata de un balneario árabe con unas extraordinarias aguas sulfhídricas, magnésico-cálcica y nitrogenadas, que brotan a 21 grados centígrados y cuyas propiedades curativas están especialmente indicadas para enfermedades de la piel y especialmente para el herpetismo.
Ya los romanos curaron sus heridas en las aguas de BILO. La teoría de este origen latino del nombre de la fuente de aguas sulfurosas se la debemos al profesor Cavaría Vargas: PILUM-PILO-BILO.
BILO- hoy Vilo- se encuentra en tierras de Periana, a 2,5 kilómetros del pueblo, debajo del Puerto del Sol, junto al Cerrajón de los Baños, a 36º 57´de latitud norte y 4º 12´de longitud oeste, a 580 m de altitud. Alrededor de los baños se ha formado una aldea llamada Baños de Vilo. El balneario está en la confluencia de los arroyos Vilo y Zapata.
En 1828 se inauguró un edificio con habitaciones adosadas cerca de la alberca y una casa de baños. Por problemas de propiedad, el balneario vivió un tiempo de cierto abandono que originó el deterioro de las instalaciones. Los ayuntamientos de Vélez, Periana y un particular se disputaban su propiedad en aquellos tiempos.
Ubicado en un lugar privilegiado, el Balneario de Baños de Vilo llegó a ser considerado en los siglos XVIII y XIX como uno de los más importantes de Andalucía.
A finales del siglo diecinueve el entonces propietario, Emilio de San Martín, realizó una serie de mejoras pero en 1907 una tormenta arrasó las instalaciones. El Ayuntamiento adquirió el balneario a principios de la década de los 90, año a partir de cual se iniciaron las labores de recuperación de Baños de Vilo con fines turísticos.
Las instalaciones del baño de Vilo han sido recientemente restauradas, contando hoy con una única pileta de inmersión, perfectamente integrada en el entorno. Están abiertas al exterior y la pileta de inmersión se separa de la vista mediante un murete de piedra que permite una parcial intimidad.
Sigue existiendo un puentecillo de piedra que permite cruzar el río sin peligro alguno. #bañosdevilo #periana #aguassulfurosas #málaga #gratis #naturaleza #turismo #axarquía
We'll start off this content-packed post, with a trip back in time. As in the the lead photo, not hot, luke warmish.
'Thermalism in the Roman Provinces - The Role of Medicinal Mineral Waters across the Empire'
This is the title of a 2024 publication with the title very much covering what to expect. Published by Archaeopress, it's a compilation of scientific research on the subject from various authors.

From Inrap (Aug. 1) a report on the ongoing excavations in Vichy (Central France). Translanted:
'All the ancient remains unearthed during the archaeological excavation around the rotunda of the source of the Hospital bear witness to the existence of a thermal complex which exploited the source under the High Empire'.
From Ancient Origins (Oct. 8), an article on an exciting discovery:
'Ongoing excavations at Halaesa Arconidea, in Tusa, Sicily, have revealed one of the island’s largest Roman thermal complexes to date, showing the luxurious facilities at the ancient city. 
The excavation has revealed a thermal complex spanning approximately 800 square meters (8,611 square feet), making it one of the largest baths ever found in Sicily'.
Aol.com follows (Oct. 14) on the same discovery:
'The ancient Roman empire was known for its sumptuous bath houses replete with elaborate decor, and the residents of Halaesa Arconidea (located on the north coast of Sicily) evidently had one worth bragging about.
A team of archaeologists—led by the University of Palermo in collaboration with the Tindari Archaeological Park—uncovered the remains of the bath complex and discovered it was full of decorative mosaics. In a translated statement from Archaeological Sicily of Regione Siciliana, the fifth excavation attempt at the city now known as Tusa uncovered two rooms with mosaic floors, a courtyard with porticoed wings, and the remains of what is one of the largest thermal bath complexes ever to exist on the island.
Domenico Targia, interim director of the Tindari Archaeological Park, said in the statement that the findings are of immense importance, and the site will now be the focus of restoration.
The bath complex is considered unique for Sicily, both for the rich decorations throughout and for its transparent size. It’s a roughly 8,600-square-foot complex that is easily one of the largest ever found on the island'.
From antiquity we move to the more modern times: still obsessed with how we bath. Or how we take a sauna. So fascinating these differences, apparently.

Travelawaits (Jul. 30) on German sauna culture:
'There might not even be clothes involved, depending on where you’re going.
If you’re already familiar with naturism around the globe, then you might know that spas are one of the most clothing-optional places on earth. From Europe to Asia, the spa is where you can find people relaxing in their birthday suits.
That’s doubly true in places like Scandinavia, Germany, and Switzerland, where people tend to see nudity as natural and spas as a critical component of wellness.
That means that saunas (and oftentimes steam rooms) in these countries don’t require swimsuits—even when they’re co-ed.
Let me make it even more simple: Germans don’t even call their spas ‘co-ed’ or ‘nude’ because it’s implied that everyone is welcome and, when it comes to saunas and steam rooms, nudity is the norm'.
It also adds a Top 3: Voda (Berlin), Friedrichsbad and Caracalla (both Baden-Baden).

Escape (Oct. 15) talks sauna culture:
'My heart is pounding as is my head—and not just because it’s hot, but because my body is pumping stress hormones like crazy. Yet, my sauna neighbours, mostly from the local village of Zell am See Kaprun where this public spa attached to the Tauern Hotel is located, are totally chill. They’re chatting, laughing and telling jokes. Periodically, they stand up and wave at friends who walk in because they had saved them a seat. When I first shuffled in, the sauna was so packed it didn’t look like I could squeeze in anywhere, but a nice guy in the first row scooched over and offered me a spot next to him. I took it, not wanting to miss the spectacle I dared myself to sit through.
Meanwhile, the sauna master turns on new-age music and the sounds of gurgling streams and birdsong fill the space. He places his first round of ice balls onto the hot stones in the middle of the sauna, and as the steam rises, the orange scent envelops the room. He takes a big towel and begins flapping it around, directing the hot fragrant air around, and at the crowds. As the steamy aromatic waves roll over me, things begin to change.
The hot air caresses my skin. The fragrance calms my brain. The music lulls me into a meditative trance. I can’t say I’m totally at ease yet, but I can feel my inhibitions melting away with sweat. It feels so good that suddenly the nudeness of the experience almost doesn’t appear weird anymore. It feels like the necessary part of it. That’s what my Austrian friends had told me before. Nude spas are great equalisers because they make you realise that down under our clothes, we’re all humans. Ditch the garments and all that’s left is that humanness'.
World of Sauna also has a recent (Jul. 23) How to page; this concerns tips on taking a sauna in Germany. Some examples:
'Many spas have unisex changing rooms and then separate changing rooms where you are supposed to change clothes. Sometimes it just gets forgotten and the clothes are changed in the corridor in front of the changing room.
Germans have a funny way of drying themselves off before going to the sauna. We Finns don’t do that.
You go to the sauna naked. Saunas are shared saunas between men and women.
Germans are instructed to take three sauna sessions. No two without a third. But in reality it doesn’t really matter. What feels good etc.
Germans love to spend the whole day in the sauna world. They eat, drink, rest and read in between the sauna, they know how to relax.
This is one thing we Finns should learn from the Germans. Total relaxation and not just a quick trip to the sauna and out the door'.
saunaiceman adding to the culture confusion, a German sauna night in the UK:
It was great to welcome new and regular bathers to my German aufguss @sweheat.sauna at the Royal Docks last weekend. There were a few people introduced by friends which is always really nice.
For some reason people keep saying Britain is too prudish to enjoy bathing suit-free sauna like in Germany but these sessions keep selling out weeks in advance.
This was a special one for me because I brought someone along for the first time. My wife, Louise, came to experience her first full aufguss session with me and really enjoyed it. I added a few of Lou's favourite tunes to the playlist and she helped me out with a few things including taking this lovely sauna snap.
My next German Aufguss @sweheat.sauna is on 26th January and one ticket has just become available from a cancellation.
Tickets have also just gone up on the @sweheat.sauna website for the session on 9th February. A couple of tickets have been sold already so get them before they are gone.
My Sunday Night Aufguss @communitysaunabaths on Sunday (21 Jan) is sold out but there are still a few tickets for the 4 February. Bookings are being taken for session all the way until June.
All tickets available through links in my bio.
Hot aufguss during a hard freeze is truly special. Don't waste the cold.
More sauna cultures compared. 
'When it comes to saunas, I’ve seen it all – grand Finnish sanctuaries and those “heated boxes” folks throw up in their basements and gyms in North America. Let me tell you something: there’s a world of difference between a proper sauna and a half-hearted attempt to sweat out a few toxins. Saunas have a rich cultural heritage, especially in Europe, where they’re not just a health fad—they’re an event, a social ritual, and a way of life. It’s high time we have a proper chat about the true essence of sauna bathing and why so many of these American contraptions miss the mark'.
It's conclusions:
'Learn from European Traditions: Explore the many aspects of sauna bathing, from ventilation to the multi-round experience.
Seek Out Traditional Experiences: Before building or buying a sauna, experience a true Finnish, Russian banya, or European-style sauna. You need to know what you’re aiming for.
Appreciate the Compromises: If you have to make compromises on materials or design, at least understand what you’re giving up'.
Another of those reddit discussion (Jul. 27) on sauna culture. This time topless or not in Canada? With many comments (of the 300!), with quite a few commenting on how open and free the European sauna culture is / is experienced. An example:
Most of Central Europe really. Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, and I think it’s the same in Switzerland and Poland.
We go to the sauna with the whole family here in Germany, and among all the benefits I hope it teaches the kids that nudity is normal, doesn’t have to be sexual and that their bodies aren’t anything to be ashamed of'.
Another experience of sauna culture, Ladbible (Jul. 29):
'I braved a traditional Austrian sauna with several strict rules - the main one being that you’re only allowed in if you’re stark naked.
Once inside - completely starkers and sat next to two naked strangers - I realised I had perhaps been overreacting'.
Metro-UK (Oct. 20) on sauna-culture in South Tirol (North Italy):
'As a half German, I’ve never felt the self-consciousness that many Brits experience about stripping off in public.
Whether it’s a gym changing room or on a girls holiday, I’m perfectly comfortable bearing it all.
This sense of ‘korper freiheit’ (loosely translated as ‘body freedom’) served me very well on a recent trip to South Tyrol, in Northern Italy, the only area of the country that speaks German and incorporates a lot of Austrian culture into day to day life – namely its hugely popular pastime of visiting the spa.
But the unique spa culture is something many UK travellers don’t have an inkling about which is a crying shame in my opinion'.
Reise-Liebe (Jul. 30) a German language site on the differences between Germany and Finnish sauna culture:
'In öffentlichen Saunen in Finnland herrscht strikte Geschlechtertrennung und Badekleidung ist ebenfalls erlaubt. Ein Handtuch auf die Holzbänke legen, bevor man sich setzt? Eher die Ausnahme. Die Finnen verzichten auf Sanduhren und bringen das Wasser auf dem Ofen ständig zum Zischen. In einer Sauna in Helsinki kann es passieren, dass du jede Minute einen Aufguss (finnisch: löyly) erlebst.
Bevor ich diese Sauna in Helsinki zum ersten Mal besuche, kaufe ich mir ein Vorhängeschloss. Das ist notwendig, um Wertgegenstände in einem Holz-Spint einzuschließen. Auf der Website lese ich, dass es keine Geschlechtertrennung gebe und jeder die Freiheit habe, hüllenlos oder in Badeklamotten zu saunieren. Deshalb lasse ich meinen Badeanzug zu Hause und stelle in der Sompasauna fest, dass die wenigen Frauen auf dem Gelände fast alle Badesachen tragen. Unter den Männer ist der Anteil der Nackten und Angezogenen ungefähr 50:50. Als ich dann entblößt in eine Sauna voller Kerle stolziere, fühlt sich das verdammt unangenehm an'.
Then a couple of proper sauna experiences without the focus on contrasting cultures.
A sauna visit to Estonia, a British report for an Australian audience (Yahoo, Sep. 5):
'Welcome to Mooska Farm, a smoke sauna in southern Estonia, an hour south of Tartu, recognised for its important cultural heritage by Unesco. Wafting the warm air into our bodies is just one small part of Eda’s smoke sauna ritual that dates back hundreds of years – we’d already scrubbed ourselves with elder tree ash (the alkaline in the ash combats our naturally acidic sweat and acts as a natural soap, while elder is used to fuel the sauna), scampered into the still water of the peony-fringed pond, and rubbed the fragrant spring leaves all over our skin as Eda chanted ancient sauna salutations. As spa experiences go, it couldn’t be more earthy and invigorating, and I was totally sold'.
The Idiots Guide to Bread Saunas
This is a typical German bread sauna. You will see the usual sauna set up of clean, simple, Scandinavian lines and platformed benches, alongside the deep noir of the sauna oven - upon which lay the sacred sacrificial stones that perform the all-important sauna infusion.
Situated as the prime focal point, you will see an understated yet beautifully handcrafted bread oven. This bread oven is expertly manned and maintained by a trained staff member who carefully lifts the dough from golden baskets and enthrones them upon the embers within. The oven door is left slightly ajar so that the smell of the levened bread permeates the atmosphere.
It is at this point true artistry really comes into play. The trained staff member begins the first of three identical infusions by ladelling water upon the sacrificial coals to generate a steam that entombs the room and all its occupants. She then raises a large oblong of towelling fabric and extravagantly gesticulates in wide circular motions to circulate the steam about the room, before using a giant fan to waft the aroma and presence of the baking bread toward a genuflecting audience.
Women gaze upon the oven as one in the ritual to bake alongside the bread as a symbolic gesture of their affection and appreciation, in what can only be described as a room hotter than the sun. Emanating from their mouths are various chants and exclamations depicting their sensation of burning in hell along with any angst toward former, present, or future partners for 'the time they did that thing...[insert irritant]'
It is said that the artisan bread baked in such conditions has a super salty afternote, with subtle hints of hormonal outbursts and just a touch of spice.
7/10 - would recommend.
#breadsauna #germansauna #sauna #idiotsguide 
Bagno_populare reports (Oct. 13) on a hot spring related exhibition (Baue Pfaden), in Baden (Switzerland) concerning Sclafani Bagni on Sicily. All can be enjoyed while soaking. Exhibition runs a couple of weeks. More info here:
'Diese Ausstellung erforscht die Verbindung zwischen Raum und Zeit durch die Wiederbelebung historischer Heilstätten wie Sclafani Bagni in Sizilien und Baden in der Schweiz. Durch einen sensorischen Pfad verbindet sie verschiedene künstlerische Zugänge zur Beziehung zwischen Körper und Wasser. Durch die Geruch, Licht, Geschmack, Berührung, Sound und Video als künstlerische Methoden werden die Besuchenden eingeladen mit offen Sinnen durch die Ausstellungs- und Badräume zu gehen'.
Times (Sep. 15) on an Aufguss experience albeit in the Netherlands:
'The lights dimmed and the crowd hushed as Karoline Kristensen entered for her performance.
However, this was no ordinary Dutch theater: The temperature was 80°C and the audience naked apart from a towel. Dressed in a swimsuit and to the tune of emotional music, the 21-year-old Kristensen started her routine, performed inside a large sauna, with a bed of hot rocks in the middle.
For a week this month, a group of wellness practitioners, called “sauna masters,” are gathering at a picturesque health resort in the Netherlands to compete in this year’s Aufguss world sauna championships.
One prerequisite for the spectators is to be nude and dressed in nothing more than a towel for hygienic reasons.
It also helped the sauna masters, Eriksen quipped.
“Nervous theater performers are always told to picture their audiences naked. Well, here they cannot be nervous because this is the most naked place in the world,” he said'.

In Denmark they have an Aufguss organisation GusmesterForeningen. Some explanation:
What is the GusmesterForeningen
The association focuses on the gusmester's craft, role and professionalism, as well as saunagus as an experience, treatment and art form.
The association offers various member activities, events, community, knowledge sharing and travel at home and abroad as well as the annual Gusmester meeting.
The association, in cooperation with the members, will raise awareness of what a 'good sauna gus' is and the insight into what a 'skilled gus master' can do.
"Only the best sauna gas is good enough for the people".
Finally we are where our blog interests really lie.
Travel.gr (Oct. 2) on Greece's top hot springs:
'From the volcanic springs of Lesvos island to the lush, forested retreat of Pozar, these are places where you can immerse yourself in natural beauty and be rewarded by a great sense of wellness as was experienced and documented thousands of years ago'.
A good overview.

On reddit (Oct. 13) the question:
'Has anyone been to Friedrichsbad?
And what are your thoughts?
'The place was quite good. The building is beautiful and while it’s showing it’s age (140+ years old I think), the installations are top notch. There’s a suggested sequence of the 17 stations, but basically you can go back and forth as you want. I particularly liked the body temperature pool, it feels so good!'
Coucher de ☀️ au chaud dans les sources de Mérens.
Plaisir de la vie 🖤
recent (Aug. 19) video on the Facebook page of La Dépêche Ariége concerning the hot springs of Mèrens (above). It illicits more than 300 comments, most contra the video: the less notice given to such beutiful places the better:
'Pas si caché depuis des années c'est bien connu des locaux et pas que...sur-frequenté dommage c'était chouette ya 15 ans'.
Then the positives development on pop-ups:

💦 Ab nach Burtscheid und rein ins Becken: Der „Wärm Komp“ lädt zum Thermalbaden unter freiem Himmel ein 💦
Es dampft und sprudelt wie in einer Therme. „Wärm Komp“ heißt die neueste Attraktion in feinstem Öcher Sprech, die Stadtbaurätin Frauke Burgdorff am vergangenen Mittwoch gemeinsam mit mehreren Vertreter*innen aus der engagierten Stadtgesellschaft vorgestellt hat. 🤗
Der Pop-up-Thermalwasserbrunnen lädt ab dem Wochenende in Burtscheid direkt neben der Rosenquelle am Kurpark alle Menschen zum freien Baden in naturbelassenem Thermalwasser ein – frei zugänglich, kostenlos und mitten in der Stadt. ⛲
„Das steht Aachen mit seiner langen Kur- und Badegeschichte sehr gut zu Gesicht!“, dankte Burgdorff den vielen Akteur*innen – vorneweg der Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen – für ihr außergewöhnliches Engagement. Das Projekt wird von der Stadt Aachen unterstützt, ebenso von der FH Aachen, die den den Komp gebaut hat, und der Aachener Politik. 🙏
Betreiber des temporären Thermalbadebrunnens ist die Bürgerstiftung. Der Badespaß gleich neben der Rosenquelle findet selbstverständlich unter hygienisch einwandfreien Bedingungen statt. „Unser Bestreben ist es, das Thermalwasser hier in Burtscheid wieder den Bürgerinnen und Bürger sichtbar zu machen. Wir sind sehr glücklich, dass dies durch den Pop-Up-Thermalbrunnen gelingt“, stellte Ulrich Lieser von der Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen heraus. Zugleich lobte er das große Engagement der vielen Beteiligten. 120 Ehrenamtliche haben an dem Projekt gearbeitet, etwa 200 Bürger*innen hätten per Crowdfunding dafür gespendet, dazu noch mehrere Firmen. 🙌
🎉 Die Eröffnungsfeier mit Livemusik findet am Samstag, 5. Oktober, um 15 Uhr statt. Der Wärm Komp ist dann bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 in Betrieb und jeweils freitags und samstags von 10 bis 22 Uhr geöffnet. Begleitet wird die Öffnungsphase von einem abwechslungsreichen Begleitprogramm, wie Gymnastik im Kurpark oder einem Vortrag zur Bade- und Esskultur in Japan. 💧
➡️ Infos: aachen.de/presse und https://www.waermkomp.jetzt
📸 Stadt Aachen / Antonia Knop
#wärmkomp #thermalbaden #burtscheid #aachen #allesaachen #lieblingsstadtac #aken #aixlachapelle @waermkomp.jetzt
Over to Aachen-Germany, where a pop-up hot spring was installed on the 5th of October. Opened daily from 10:00 - 22:00 until the end of the year.
'Es dampft und sprudelt wie in einer Therme. „Wärm Komp“ heißt die neueste Attraktion in feinstem Öcher Sprech, die Stadtbaurätin Frauke Burgdorff am Mittwoch (2. Oktober) gemeinsam mit mehreren Vertreter*innen aus der engagierten Stadtgesellschaft vorgestellt hat. Der Pop-up-Thermalwasserbrunnen lädt ab dem Wochenende in Burtscheid direkt neben der Rosenquelle am Kurpark alle Menschen zum freien Baden in naturbelassenem Thermalwasser ein – frei zugänglich, kostenlos und mitten in der Stadt. „Das steht Aachen mit seiner langen Kur- und Badegeschichte sehr gut zu Gesicht!“, dankte Burgdorff den vielen Akteur*innen – vorneweg der Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen – für ihr außergewöhnliches Engagement. „Sie und Ihre Initiative haben es möglich gemacht, dass wir heute hier stehen und alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger einladen können: Packt die Badehose ein und kommt nach Burtscheid!“ Das Projekt wird von der Stadt Aachen unterstützt, ebenso von der FH Aachen, die den den Komp gebaut hat, und der Aachener Politik.
Das heißeste Becken des Wärm Komps ist das oberste, mit einer Wassertemperatur von etwa 40 Grad Celsius. Danach folgt das mittlere Becken mit 37 bis 38 Grad Celsius. Die Wassertemperatur im unteren Fußbecken beträgt 34 bis 35 Grad Celsius. Das Wasser in den Becken wird alle zwei Stunden komplett durchgespült, was die Hygiene sicherstellen sollen. Maßgeblich für die Hygiene wird aber die Einhaltung der Baderegeln sein, wie alle Akteur*innen nochmals betonten. Diese hängen gut sichtbar direkt am Zugang zu den Becken aus.
Seit Anfang 2023 ist der Thermalbadebrunnen in Planung. Die Grundidee war und ist, das Thermalwasser kostenfrei für die Bürger*innen nutzbar zu machen. Nach der Entstehung der ersten Planungsrunden haben die FH Aachen, die Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen, die Stadt Aachen sowie die Stadtteilkonferenz das Projekt nach und nach verwirklicht'.
Located just south of the inner-Ringroad of Aachen, not far from the central station, the pop-up is a citizens initaitive under the name of Wärm Komp. Six reviews on google, all five stars. Can we call it a succes?

Not yet. T-online reports (Oct. 24) that at time of reporting only footbathing is allowed as the bacteria count has been too high:
Die Keimbelastungen in der "Wärm Komp" steigen seit Beginn der Messungen stetig an. Trotz erster Maßnahmen. Worüber sich das Gesundheitsamt jetzt besonders besorgt zeigt.
Puedes tenerlo todo pero si no tienes Paz Interior, no tienes Nada 🖤👌🏽😌👌🏽🙏🏼🧘🏻‍♀️


A peaceful Sunday?
If not wanting to be stuck in traffic, heading to Oostende on a Sunday on a long weekend is not the best choice. Nor having to return later on that evening! 
But in need of a different experience and noting how our go-to wellness resort is already reserved out a day on forehand (wow!), it's a dive into the deep end.

What doesn't help the peaceful frame of mind, is that the Villa Aqua wellness center in Oostende doesn't do reservations: will it be sold-out? Will it be jam-packed? 
Therefore the question: is relaxation really on the cards?

Anyway, why have we not earlier visited this place, afterall it's not too far away? Don't know (as in unknown) is a good answer. They are also not really well in selling themselves. And nobody I know of, has recommended this.

A look at Google reviews (based on nearly 600 reviewers) gives it 4.3 stars which is not top notch, but probably do-able; sometimes it's just expectations. 
My expectations are these: a good place to while away an afternoon. 
So not too high.

Villa Aqua is located on the outskirts of the city of Oostende, just short of the airport runway. Don't be too concerned, the airport is not busy. 
Ample parking available. It could also be able to reach by public transport (an Achilles heel of nearly all wellness center set ups), but not too far from the city as evidenced by bicyles parked out front.

Our experience. 
Well, traffic was not too bad after all, we are going north south rather than east-west. 

The entry is efficient, expect a 40€ entrance fee. 
You are then sent to the dressing rooms and even though it's obvious you are not familiar here, your left to your own devices. Some lockers are defect in the jam packed locker room.

After undressing, you then logically proceed to the showers and to the main hall which contains a warmer relax pool in the center. 
On the one side is the entry to the restaurant facilities, otherwise there are 4 sauna's available, a steamroom, an ice room and a big jacuzzi all off this hall. 
 The north side is a glass wall to the outside which is packed with loungers. And a pool. 
We walk around outside: there's the pool, a bigger sauna, and at the back a smaller building with more showers and 2 sauna's. 
Pity that the 2 outside jacuzzi's are not in working order. 
Note also there is no explanation of the set up (a map?).

It's not too busy when we arrive, though during the day more visitors are incoming. Progressively younger too, though the average age may well be more older. Many couples, just the odd small group of friends.

Aufguss happens regularily in the bigger outside sauna. 
Our mid-afternoon session is attended by nearly 40 soakers, with more space available. 
The Meister did a handy job, though the level of details seems to suggest that he just walked in that morning and would be entirely comfortable throwing some water on the sauna rocks and wave with a towel. Very rustic.

Otherwise it was a good weekend, good enough to return if not for the price. Here's an overview of what to expect for amount of money, locally (south-west Netherlands, western Flanders; as of November 2024):

Well, now that I made this overview, in comparison the entrance fee for Villa Aqua is not too bad. 
I can remember when you paid halve the above, 10 years ago? 
I now also understand why some people shop around, seek voucher sites, look uplast-minute deals or use member websites offering discounts. They all assist in getting the price down.

The bistro menu was not too bad, better than expected for vegetarians. Prices expensive, but service was good, so that helps. 

Other points I would share. 
Management go to quite some effort to request users to try to be silent. Even though, this seems to help little. People feel that talk is required for, even if the sauna is designated silent. 
Luckily there's quite some choice of sauna's, so there is a chance to avoid the louder sauna users.

I also thought the atmosphere was very open. And relaxed. Could have been an exception but it helps in bringing the score I'm going to give to Villa Aqua is 8+.

Other reviews sites
Tripadvisor: 3.5 (138 reviews)
* Facebook 4.5 (133 reviews)
Bongo: 4.5 (34 reviews)

For more footage (devoid of humans) you can also look up the Instagram account of Villa Aqua.

Saturday, November 2, 2024


Náttúrulegar í náttúrulaug🤠
A couple of photo's (and video's) waiting in a file for a time to be published. However, doesn't seem to be happening, so let's just share them now.

New friends, new adventure. Today was awesome weather and we went on a hike more into the wild and we discovered a beautiful place for swimming.
Our little privite Blue Lagoon🤭
Noví přátelé, nová dobrodružství 🖤
Dnes bylo úžasné počasí a vyrazili jsme na túru více do volné přírody a objevili jsme krásné místo na koupání. Naše malá soukromá Modrá laguna🤭
#iceland #ísland #vegan #veganpower #veganísland #freedom #friends #friendshipgoals #friendship #swim #summer #pool #hotpool #blue #spot #relax
From dv.is (Oct. 2)

hiked up Reykjadalur Valley today and enjoyed a nice soak in this insane thermal river. the water was literally boiling out of the ground! never seen anythin like it... Iceland- I love you already ♡ #reykjadalur #traveliceland #canon5dmiv #adventure_culture
What a soak!!
#iceland #hotspring #icelandtravel #amazingview #travelholic #icelandtrip #wonderlusticeland #secrethotspring #hike&soak
Bathing, hiking and biking in Iceland cuz there ain't no travel abroad on offer #lovinglife #staycation #ferðumstinnanlands #icelandisopen #highlands #hotspring #yoga #skinnydip #biking #hiking
A wonderful hike led up to this hot spring, which was very refreshing. It's always nice to be naked in nature. It makes you feel connected to mother nature and all stress and worries go away.
#naturism #befree #skinnydipping #secretplace #hotspringsiceland #bodyfreedom #nakedinnature #nudeisnotlewd #naked #freespirit #enjoyinglife #hotsprings #lovetheskinyourin #befree #gonaked #feelthefreedom #daretobare #friendship #enjoythemoment #enjoylife #capturethemoment #freedom #freethebody #friends #soakingspirit #soaking #soak #hotspringsiceland #hotspring #iceland #icelandicnature
Rather than randomly thrown on the i-net, I try to put some picca's together, this section possibly #bodyfree?

Gdy już nawet sam papież popiera związki partnerskie par jednopłciowych, a w Polsce delegalizuje się przerwanie ciąży, w przypadkach ciężkiego i nieodwracalnego upośledzenia płodu, to już nie pozostaje nam nic innego jak wypiąć tyłki na taki rząd i cieszyć się że jestemy w jednym z bardziej liberanych krajów świata.
Ach, zmiany przyjadą, wolniej niż się spodziewamy, ale przyjadą.
Jesteśmy w tym razem 💪
Btw, many thanks to my crazy friends for making skinny dipping a complety casual thing.
Swimming never felt so liberating 🐟
Ciekawe czy w Polsce można za to dostać mandat? 🤔 Bo przecież pływać nago to tak jak nas Pan Bóg stworzył 😜
#powiedzkomus #tk #legal #abortion #stopviolenceagainstwomen #mychoice #czarnyprotest #Polska #ogarnijsie #libertad #freedom #skinnydipping #nature #travel #iceland
Landmannalaugar hot spring🪲
Skotin í honum ✨

Nature is fun
Do what you want 💫
& feel good about it
(In clothes or no clothes 😉)
Thanks to @kukucampers I was able to explore iceland & be one with icelands beauty
#iceland #hotsprings #nature #gooutside #getnaked
#solotravel #travel #liveyourbestlife #birthdaytrip #igreels #makemeelite #fordmodelscout