We continue with Sascha's soaking tips for Băile Herculane, Romania.
Next up is the hot spring named Izvorul Scorillo.
Next up is the hot spring named Izvorul Scorillo.
This website gives an intro (in German):
'Izvorul Scorilo" (+52°C)"Sapte Izvoare" (die sieben heissen Quellen), liegt von Báile Herculane aus gesehen ca. 4 km talhochwärts. Hier handelt es sich um mehrere Thermalquellgebiete, in denen sich das ganz normale Volk vergnügt und miteinander plaudert. Die oberste Quelle speist sogar ein ganzes Freibad. Wenn man die Strasse von Herkulesbad hinaufkommt, dann ist diese Quelle "Izvorul Scorilo" hier die erste, in dessen Wasser man sich begeben kann. Für bescheidene Camper besteht hier auch eine Zeltmöglichkeit'.
Maybe outdated?
Other than this there seems precious little non-Romanian info out there.
Other than this there seems precious little non-Romanian info out there.
'These hot springs require a longer hike on the main street or better a taxi or an own car. After around 10 minutes by car from Hotel Roman hot springs, you will find these hot springs on your left hand side, a few meters after a small restaurant. This is probably the most commercial hot spring with massage services, and locals who sell fruits and vegetables. Even early in the morning you will find a number of cars who park on the street close to the spring, so impossible to miss them'.
'There are two pools; the right pool has a temperature of 37°C and the left pool of 40°C. The temperature at source is 58°C. Both pools are made of concrete and apparently the water is particularly recommended for skin diseases'.
Now on to the last Băile Herculane hot springs to be featured by Sascha, those named Izvoare Calde. Sascha:
'That’s probably the most special hot spring in the area because it is located under the main road. When you drive on the road, you will not detect the hot spring.Watch out for a small sign “7 Izvoare Calde” that explains already Romans in the district around Baile Herculane used"with great confidence these curative waters for the most dangerous and rooted diseases”.
'The springs are approximatively 200 m away from the Izvorul Scorillo spring but the entrance is again 100 m further down the road. The water is only 34°C warm and that’s probably one reason why people stay quite long in the pool. Unfortunately, from the pool inside you only have a look to the concrete but not to the river'.
The pictures of this last soak:
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