馃嚞馃嚙Another thing I love. Hotsprings. I call them reversed waterfalls `cause: 1. Water is coming up instead of falling down 2. Water is pleasantly warm and not refreshingly cold 3. They are rather calm than wild. Pic was taken in Greece, Halkidiki, Eleftheres. 馃憣馃嚫馃嚠Obrnjen slap. Kadar gre voda gor namesto dol, ko je topla namesto hladna in ko je mirna namesto divja = vrelec. To je pa idila za zimske dni. Gr膷ija, Halkidiki, Eleftheres, zapu拧膷en spa resort. Noro. 馃グ
#Pozar #hotsprings #hot #springs #thermal #water #waterfall #waterfalls #nature #grecia #greece #Hellas #instanature #beautyful #beauty #vacanze #terme #aqua #acqua #cascata #happy #photo #gopro #goprooftheday #hero3 #goprpohero3 #griekenland #summer #zomer #estateu_nay
[ Lo que me gusta de la ayuda rec铆proca y desinteresada entre dos personas es la incertidumbre de no saber, al final, qui茅n tuvo la suerte de conocer a qui茅n. ] #termas#thermes#aguastermales#hotsprings#pirineos#pyrenees#pyreneesfran莽aises#adventure#nature#photography#freedom#desconection#hippie#hippiestyle.
We're in France, north of the eastern Pyrenees, the above should be easy to recognize, below less so, but not unfindable.
Les bains doux, bassins naturels de sources d'eau chaude dans la nature
Yesterday we visited a natural hot springs here in Sardinia, it’s an old Roman bath and it was amazing.
On a cold windy day taking our clothes off to get in to this 40 degree Celsius water felt amazing, made me sooo happy.
We stayed for over 2 hours by ourselves just relaxing in this natural spa.
Would you get in to this magical place in the middle of a field?
Finally, above an abnormality (from the shores of the Dead Sea) and below another photo I can't resist sharing from a French source chaude, already witnessed above.诇讻诇 诪讬 砖砖讗诇 注诇 讛诪注讬讬谞讜转 讛讞诪讬诐 讘讬诐 讛诪诇讞:1. 诪讬拽讜诐 - 诇专砖讜诐 讘 waze - 诪注讬讬谞讜转 讞诪讬诐 谞讞诇 拽讚诐诇讬谞拽 - 谞住讬注讛 注诐 Waze 讗诇 诪注讬讬谞讜转 讞诪讬诐 谞讞诇 拽讚诐: https://waze.com/ul/hsv95m2r0s2. 讞谞讬讛 - 讬砖 讞谞讬讜谉 注驻专 拽讟谉 爪诪讜讚 诪讝专讞讬转 诇讻讘讬砖 90 (诇讗 诪讜诪诇抓 诇讞谞讜转 讘砖讜诇讬讬诐 砖诇 讻讘讬砖 90 讙诐 讻讬 讝讛 诪住讜讻谉 讜讙诐 讻讬 谞讜转谞讬诐 讚讜讞讜转).3. 讛诇讬讻讛 诇诪注讬讬谞讜转 - 诪爪讜专驻转 转诪讜谞讛 注诐 讛住讘专. 讛诇讬讻讛 谞讜讞讛 砖诇 讻 7 讚拽讜转, 3-4 讚拽讜转 爪驻讜谞讛 讜讗讝 讬讜专讚讬诐 诪讝专讞讛 诇讻讬讜讜谉 讛讞讜祝.4. 诪注讬讬谞讜转 - 讬砖 诪住驻专 专讘 砖诇 诪注讬讬谞讜转 讘注讜诪拽讬诐 讜讘讟诪驻专讟讜专讜转 砖讜谞讜转 讜诪讛 砖讘注讬拽专 讬谞讞讛 讗转 讛讘讞讬专讛 砖诇讻诐 讬讛讬讛 注诇 讘住讬住 诪拽讜诐 驻谞讜讬 馃槈. 讗谞讞谞讜 诪爪讗谞讜 讗讞讚 驻谞讜讬 专讚讜讚 讘诪讬诐 诪讗讜讚 诪讗讜讚 讞诪讬诐 讜诇讛注专讻转讬 砖诇 讻 40 诪注诇讜转 讜讗讜诇讬 讗驻讬诇讜 讬讜转专.5. 谞讜讚讬住讟讬诐 - 拽讞讜 讘讞砖讘讜谉 砖诇注讬转讬诐 讬砖 讘讞讜祝 谞讜讚讬住讟讬诐 (诇讛讘谞转讬 讘注讬拽专 讘讗诪爪注 讛砖讘讜注) 讜讻诇 讗讞讚 砖讬注砖讛 讗转 讛讘讞讬专讛 讗诐 诪转讗讬诐 诇讜 诇讛讬讞砖祝... (讗讜 诇讛讬爪讟专祝 馃).6. 讬诇讚讬诐 - 讗驻砖专讬 讜讝讜 讞讜讜讬讛 讙诐 注讘讜专诐 讗讱 讬讜转专 拽砖讛 诇讛诐 诪讘讞讬谞转 讛诪讬诐 讛讞诪讬诐 讜讛砖专讬驻讛 砖诇 驻爪注讬诐 诪讬诐 讛诪诇讞.7. 谞讜讞讜转 - 讛诪拽讜诐 讘讜住专讬 讜讟讘注讬 讜讝讛 诪讛 砖讬驻讛 讘讜 讗讱 爪专讬讱 诇讛讘讬谉 砖讝讛 诇讗 讛讻讬 谞讜讞. 诪讜诪诇抓 诇讛讘讬讗 讘拽讘讜拽讬 诪讬诐 (讙诐 诇砖转讬讛 讜讙诐 诇砖讟讜祝 讗讞专 讻讱 讗转 讛诪讬诐 讛诪诇讜讞讬诐). 讘砖注讜转 讛砖诪砖 讻讚讗讬 诇讛讘讬讗 讙诐 砖诪砖讬讛.8. 谞讬拽讬讜谉 - 讻砖讛讙注谞讜 讛诪拽讜诐 讛讬讛 诪讘专讬拽 ! (讗讬讱 讛讙讬讜谞讬 ??? 讻讬 讘讚讬讜拽 拽讘讜爪讛 注谞拽讬转 砖诇 讗谞砖讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐 谞讬拽讜 讜讗住驻讜 砖诐 诪砖讛讜 讻诪讜 30 砖拽讬讜转 讝讘诇 讙讚讜诇讜转 砖讗谞砖讬诐 讛砖讗讬专讜 馃槨).转讛谞讜 馃槑#deadsea #deadseaisrael #deadseasalt #deadseaminerals #deadseamud #deadsea_israel #deadseaspa #deadseamarathon #deadseahotsprings #deadseahotspring #hotspring #hotsprings #hotspringsisrael #kedem#讬诐讛诪诇讞 #讬诐讛诪诇讞馃悮 #讬诐讛诪诇讞馃寠 #诪注讬讬谞讜转 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讞诪讬诐 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讞诪讬诐注讬谉拽讚诐 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讘讗专抓 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讞诪讬诐讬诐讛诪诇讞 #讟讬讜诇讬诐讘讗专抓 #讟讘注 #诇讟讬讬诇 #诪拽讜诪讜转住讜讚讬讬诐 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讬砖专讗诇 #诪专转讜谉讬诐讛诪诇讞 #专讬爪讛 #诇专讜抓
From the center of the earth. Boiling water for a vulnerable, naked, frozen body.#body #hotwater #thermalwater #hotsprings #cerdanya #cardanya #france #pyrinees #pyrin茅escatalanes #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #phototravel