Tuesday, December 29, 2020


馃嚞馃嚙Another thing I love. Hotsprings. I call them reversed waterfalls `cause: 1. Water is coming up instead of falling down 2. Water is pleasantly warm and not refreshingly cold 3. They are rather calm than wild. Pic was taken in Greece, Halkidiki, Eleftheres. 馃憣
馃嚫馃嚠Obrnjen slap. Kadar gre voda gor namesto dol, ko je topla namesto hladna in ko je mirna namesto divja = vrelec. To je pa idila za zimske dni. Gr膷ija, Halkidiki, Eleftheres, zapu拧膷en spa resort. Noro. 馃グ
Another photographic quickie, sticking to the Mediterranean, more or less.
Starting off in northern Greece, the above gets very close to the Aegean coast, the following are more to the north on the borders with it's neighbours.
A new tradition perhaps, but you can find these hot springs relatively easy, so I'm not going to give the usual hints ...

#Pozar #hotsprings #hot #springs #thermal #water #waterfall #waterfalls #nature #grecia #greece #Hellas #instanature #beautyful #beauty #vacanze #terme #aqua #acqua #cascata #happy #photo #gopro #goprooftheday #hero3 #goprpohero3 #griekenland #summer #zomer #estateu_nay


pililopezs (link gone, oh no)
[ Lo que me gusta de la ayuda rec铆proca y desinteresada entre dos personas es la incertidumbre de no saber, al final, qui茅n tuvo la suerte de conocer a qui茅n. ] #termas#thermes#aguastermales#hotsprings#pirineos#pyrenees#pyreneesfran莽aises#adventure#nature#photography#freedom#desconection#hippie#hippiestyle.

We're in France, north of the eastern Pyrenees, the above should be easy to recognize, below less so, but not unfindable.

Les bains doux, bassins naturels de sources d'eau chaude dans la nature

Islands. Above Corsica, following Sardinia.


Yesterday we visited a natural hot springs here in Sardinia, it’s an old Roman bath and it was amazing.
On a cold windy day taking our clothes off to get in to this 40 degree Celsius water felt amazing, made me sooo happy.
We stayed for over 2 hours by ourselves just relaxing in this natural spa.
Would you get in to this magical place in the middle of a field?
诇讻诇 诪讬 砖砖讗诇 注诇 讛诪注讬讬谞讜转 讛讞诪讬诐 讘讬诐 讛诪诇讞:
1. 诪讬拽讜诐 - 诇专砖讜诐 讘 waze - 诪注讬讬谞讜转 讞诪讬诐 谞讞诇 拽讚诐
诇讬谞拽 - 谞住讬注讛 注诐 Waze 讗诇 诪注讬讬谞讜转 讞诪讬诐 谞讞诇 拽讚诐: https://waze.com/ul/hsv95m2r0s
2. 讞谞讬讛 - 讬砖 讞谞讬讜谉 注驻专 拽讟谉 爪诪讜讚 诪讝专讞讬转 诇讻讘讬砖 90 (诇讗 诪讜诪诇抓 诇讞谞讜转 讘砖讜诇讬讬诐 砖诇 讻讘讬砖 90 讙诐 讻讬 讝讛 诪住讜讻谉 讜讙诐 讻讬 谞讜转谞讬诐 讚讜讞讜转).
3. 讛诇讬讻讛 诇诪注讬讬谞讜转 - 诪爪讜专驻转 转诪讜谞讛 注诐 讛住讘专. 讛诇讬讻讛 谞讜讞讛 砖诇 讻 7 讚拽讜转, 3-4 讚拽讜转 爪驻讜谞讛 讜讗讝 讬讜专讚讬诐 诪讝专讞讛 诇讻讬讜讜谉 讛讞讜祝.
4. 诪注讬讬谞讜转 - 讬砖 诪住驻专 专讘 砖诇 诪注讬讬谞讜转 讘注讜诪拽讬诐 讜讘讟诪驻专讟讜专讜转 砖讜谞讜转 讜诪讛 砖讘注讬拽专 讬谞讞讛 讗转 讛讘讞讬专讛 砖诇讻诐 讬讛讬讛 注诇 讘住讬住 诪拽讜诐 驻谞讜讬 馃槈. 讗谞讞谞讜 诪爪讗谞讜 讗讞讚 驻谞讜讬 专讚讜讚 讘诪讬诐 诪讗讜讚 诪讗讜讚 讞诪讬诐 讜诇讛注专讻转讬 砖诇 讻 40 诪注诇讜转 讜讗讜诇讬 讗驻讬诇讜 讬讜转专.
5. 谞讜讚讬住讟讬诐 - 拽讞讜 讘讞砖讘讜谉 砖诇注讬转讬诐 讬砖 讘讞讜祝 谞讜讚讬住讟讬诐 (诇讛讘谞转讬 讘注讬拽专 讘讗诪爪注 讛砖讘讜注) 讜讻诇 讗讞讚 砖讬注砖讛 讗转 讛讘讞讬专讛 讗诐 诪转讗讬诐 诇讜 诇讛讬讞砖祝... (讗讜 诇讛讬爪讟专祝 馃).
6. 讬诇讚讬诐 - 讗驻砖专讬 讜讝讜 讞讜讜讬讛 讙诐 注讘讜专诐 讗讱 讬讜转专 拽砖讛 诇讛诐 诪讘讞讬谞转 讛诪讬诐 讛讞诪讬诐 讜讛砖专讬驻讛 砖诇 驻爪注讬诐 诪讬诐 讛诪诇讞.
7. 谞讜讞讜转 - 讛诪拽讜诐 讘讜住专讬 讜讟讘注讬 讜讝讛 诪讛 砖讬驻讛 讘讜 讗讱 爪专讬讱 诇讛讘讬谉 砖讝讛 诇讗 讛讻讬 谞讜讞. 诪讜诪诇抓 诇讛讘讬讗 讘拽讘讜拽讬 诪讬诐 (讙诐 诇砖转讬讛 讜讙诐 诇砖讟讜祝 讗讞专 讻讱 讗转 讛诪讬诐 讛诪诇讜讞讬诐). 讘砖注讜转 讛砖诪砖 讻讚讗讬 诇讛讘讬讗 讙诐 砖诪砖讬讛.
8. 谞讬拽讬讜谉 - 讻砖讛讙注谞讜 讛诪拽讜诐 讛讬讛 诪讘专讬拽 ! (讗讬讱 讛讙讬讜谞讬 ??? 讻讬 讘讚讬讜拽 拽讘讜爪讛 注谞拽讬转 砖诇 讗谞砖讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐 谞讬拽讜 讜讗住驻讜 砖诐 诪砖讛讜 讻诪讜 30 砖拽讬讜转 讝讘诇 讙讚讜诇讜转 砖讗谞砖讬诐 讛砖讗讬专讜 馃槨).
转讛谞讜 馃槑
#deadsea #deadseaisrael #deadseasalt #deadseaminerals #deadseamud #deadsea_israel #deadseaspa #deadseamarathon #deadseahotsprings #deadseahotspring #hotspring #hotsprings #hotspringsisrael #kedem
#讬诐讛诪诇讞 #讬诐讛诪诇讞馃悮 #讬诐讛诪诇讞馃寠 #诪注讬讬谞讜转 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讞诪讬诐 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讞诪讬诐注讬谉拽讚诐 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讘讗专抓 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讞诪讬诐讬诐讛诪诇讞 #讟讬讜诇讬诐讘讗专抓 #讟讘注 #诇讟讬讬诇 #诪拽讜诪讜转住讜讚讬讬诐 #诪注讬讬谞讜转讬砖专讗诇 #诪专转讜谉讬诐讛诪诇讞 #专讬爪讛 #诇专讜抓
Finally, above an abnormality (from the shores of the Dead Sea) and below another photo I can't resist sharing from a French source chaude, already witnessed above.

From the center of the earth. Boiling water for a vulnerable, naked, frozen body.
#body #hotwater #thermalwater #hotsprings #cerdanya #cardanya #france #pyrinees #pyrin茅escatalanes #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #phototravel

Friday, December 25, 2020

Mountains and more

is this place even real ✨✨
In this posting, I'm trying to present a couple of recent photo's I've come across which present a mountainous picture. Or if not, at the very least something that conjures up a mountainous scene (picture lots of mist). Hopefully with little or no leaves; it's afterall a bleak picture at the moment here on the northern half of our planet. The rest maybe enjoying the sunshine. But big secret. It won't last.

Seasons greetings? Or not. Above a recent photo of Austria's Maibachl, a seasonal hot spring (end of spring) but apparently flowing well again, now in December.

Hiked up to the secret hotsprings of @flims_switzerland
Continuing the Alpine theme, the above mentions hot springs of Flims. There's precious little substance to this claim; though there are many therme's nearby claiming thermal water sources. Maybe in this case the hot spring should translate as not freezing? Anyone familiar with the set up here?

Below are a more common wild therme, situated near Bormio, Italy.

This was probably the coolest hot top spot I have been to! DM me the coolest hot springs you have been to! I need new adventure!馃槉
And if you haven’t seen the last vlog from here. Link in my bio!
#hotsprings #adventure #traveltips #exploremore


#fontpedrouse #bains
Heading westwards: above France slash Pyrenees, followed by below Spain slash Galicia.

胁械褔薪褘懈̆ 蟹芯胁 胁芯 懈屑褟 袘芯写褉芯胁邪. 泻谢邪褋褋懈泻邪 褌褉械泻懈薪谐邪 薪邪 谢械写薪懈泻 袣芯谢泻邪 褋 褎懈蟹懈褔械褋泻芯懈̆ 薪邪谐褉褍蟹泻芯懈̆ 胁 20 泻屑, 褎褋斜 懈 锌褋懈褏芯谢芯谐懈褔械褋泻懈屑 褌械褋褌懈褉芯胁邪薪懈械屑 写褍褏邪 懈 褍屑邪. 袚械褉芯懈 褍褌褉邪 : @artopologo @pavlotos @afanasyeva.diet @zovlesa @ekatterinan @ganhen @alice_markova @dstrakh @lenahusky @ju_julvern @pen_np @annartemieva 懈 @soslanrocktour
Eastwards, the below always conjures up a wintery scene (Pyatigorsk). 
Above, I suspect a less often visited hot spring in possibly North Ossetia.

#hotsprings #hotspring #hot #morning #morningmood #girl

Monday, November 16, 2020


This time i include my self as foreground object.

Mostly photo's in these Icelandic coverages. But I might include some references which might pique your interest.

Guide to Iceland has updated a few soaking related articles.  There's a 
(Oct. 20) which basically comprises a number of Top 5's: 
  • Top 5 Spa Hot Springs (Blue Lagoon, Myvatn, Secret Lagoon, GeoSea and no. 5 Fontana), 
  • Top 5 Geothermal Hot Spring Pools (Seljavallalaug, Grettislaug, Kronneslaug, Gundrunarlaug and no. 5 Kvika) , 
  • Top 5 Hot Tubs (Drangsnes, Hoffell, Krauma, Bjorbodin (beer?) and no. 5 Nautholsvik),  
  • Top 5 Natural Hot Springs (Reykjadalur, Hellulaug, Landmannalaugar, Laugavallalaug and no. 5 Viti) and
  • Top 5 'No Bathing' Hot Springs and Pools. 
Probably one of the better intro's to Iceland's soaking. I've added positions awarded to some of the photo's below. For instance, above could have been Secret Lagoon (no. 3, Top 5 Spa hot springs), below Reykjadalur, the no. 1 Natural Hot Spring:

#iceland #reykjadalur

Another recent Guide to Iceland article has the lowdown on nudity and Iceland, whereby soaking / soaking etiquette in the previously mentioned places receives ample coverage, though there's more on the local society as a whole.

By Magicandman. Fosslaug?

Icelandin8days also takes the same route with their article (probably dated very early this year):
'Iceland Nudity: About Getting Naked in Iceland in 2020'.

In it, they present the lowdown on virtually all aspects covering the title, though most concern soaking and soaking attiduese. Their final shot:

'Our Final Thoughts on Iceland Nudity in Hot Springs and Spas
The free attitude that Iceland has as it relates to nudity largely comes from a mix of this hot spring culture, historic cultural traditions, artistic experimentation, the rise of feminism, and an overall free focus in the eyes of Icelanders. The open-mindedness on Iceland nudity extends well past hot springs and geothermal spas, too'.
psychomonia using their bodies to protest. And soak:
Gdy ju偶 nawet sam papie偶 popiera zwi膮zki partnerskie par jednop艂ciowych, a w Polsce delegalizuje si臋 przerwanie ci膮偶y, w przypadkach ci臋偶kiego i nieodwracalnego upo艣ledzenia p艂odu, to ju偶 nie pozostaje nam nic innego jak wypi膮膰 ty艂ki na taki rz膮d i cieszy膰 si臋 偶e jestemy w jednym z bardziej liberanych kraj贸w 艣wiata.
Ach, zmiany przyjad膮, wolniej ni偶 si臋 spodziewamy, ale przyjad膮.
Jeste艣my w tym razem 馃挭
Btw, many thanks to my crazy friends for making skinny dipping a complety casual thing.
Swimming never felt so liberating 馃悷
Ciekawe czy w Polsce mo偶na za to dosta膰 mandat? 馃 Bo przecie偶 p艂ywa膰 nago to tak jak nas Pan B贸g stworzy艂 馃槣
#powiedzkomus #tk #legal #abortion #stopviolenceagainstwomen #mychoice #czarnyprotest #Polska #ogarnijsie #libertad #freedom #skinnydipping #nature #travel #iceland

An article on Icelan
d's love of soaking (RUV, 25 Oct.). Translated:

'Many people are impatiently waiting to get back to swimming, as the pools are a rich part of Icelanders' daily lives. Filmmaker J贸n Karl Helgason is currently working on a documentary called Swimming Pool Stories.
"The film is about swimming pools in Iceland, that is to say the culture in swimming pools," says J贸n Karl to Menninguna. "I started taking in 2014 and have been traveling around the country and am experiencing with the camera people who can tell me stories and information about what is happening in the pool today."
According to J贸n Karls, swimming pools are also community centers. "The average age of the people in the film is about 80 years, these are people who have been swimming since they learned to swim in the pool and the sea but then later in life experience swimming." He says the main reason why people go swimming is to meet other people. "People also put in a lot of effort and travel a long way to get to swimming. It's a bit noticeable in the picture. I do not think there is as good a luxury in Iceland as swimming, especially when you come out of the pool. Then you are experiencing something special'.

There's a five minute clip included with many great shots from the numerous pools around the island.

lusi_jir at Seljavallalug (no. 1 geothermal hot spring pool): 
Pod sopkou Eyjafjallaj枚kull le啪铆 ji啪 od roku 1923 nejstar拧铆 islandsk媒 baz茅n s term谩ln铆 vodou. Voda nen铆 nijak moc tepl谩, akor谩t na plav谩n铆, tak啪e pokud se chcete po艡谩dn臎 zah艡谩t, tak tohle m铆sto nen铆 pro v谩s. Jedin茅 m铆sto s opravdu horkou je to, kde se choul铆m u sk谩ly. Star谩 se o to tady m铆stn铆 p谩n a nen铆 tu omezen媒 vstup. Bohu啪el pr谩v臎 tady je kolem baz茅nu a hlavn臎 uvnit艡 kabinek neskute膷n茅 mno啪stv铆 odpadk暖 a bordelu po turistech. V l茅t臎 bychom se cht臎li vr谩tit a uklidit tady. Ob膷as se opravdu nediv铆m, 啪e se spousta podobn媒ch m铆st jako je toto pro ve艡ejnost 煤pln臎 uzav铆raj铆
Capturetheatlas (Oct. 3) has a list of 30 Icelandic hot springs (but only the best apparently):
'As you’ll see in our guide, there are different types of geothermal baths. Some of them are outdoor pools that require an entrance fee. These kinds of hot springs typically have specific rules and regulations for accessing the bathing area. On the other hand, there are natural pools in Iceland that don’t have an entrance fee but also don’t have the luxury of changing rooms or facilities.
In this article, I’ll tell you about the 30 best hot springs in Iceland, which include outdoor pools, natural hot springs, and others. While each of these baths are natural and heated through geothermal energy, they each have a unique feel that makes them worth visiting.
At the end of this guide, you’ll find a map of Iceland’s hot springs, which you can use to quickly locate your favorites and find the ones closest to your planned route'.
Another great read.

thelmaberglind at Gu冒r煤narlaug (no. 4 geothermal hot spring pool):
Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed n.
#nakednature #beauty #nature #pool #hotpool #hotspring #iceland #noclothes #happy #free #wild #wildandfree #freespirited #goout #outsideofcomfortzone #beyou #freedom #skinnydip #roadtrip #feelsexy #picoftheday #icelandicnature #icelandtrip
dani_antunez at Grj贸tagj谩 (a no bathing spot ...):
Hot springs 馃敟馃挧
#tb #iceland #hotsprings #naturalhotsprings #44degrees #natgeo #me #nature #discovericeland #volcano #cave #buscantelfred #3hbuscant 

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes! Had a beautiful day outside 馃椈 
#birthdaysuit #hotspring #iceland
Seekingsomeday (Nov. 2) heads over to the northwestern Landbrotalaug:
'Iceland is home to some of the world's best natural hot springs and the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula some of the most hidden and off the track Icelandic hot springs we visited.
Most of Iceland’s main tourist destinations are easy to access, visibly marked and well maintained!
The Landbrotalaug Hot Springs, however, are not easy to find! 
With so much geothermal activity in Iceland due to the numerous volcanoes, there are tons of hot springs to choose from. We are very picky about our hot pots and aimed to find the ones with the warmest water! The Landbrotalaug Hot Springs were some of the warmest we found'.
hot water, cold breeze. 馃摲 @svenjalehmler

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Spending a day in nature can give you a totally different view on things. No better way to start the week 馃挌
#naturelove #maibachl #friendshipgoals #positiveliving #happymonday #justkeepswimming #hotandcold
Traversing the continent with photo's; autumnal, wintery and / or some left over from the summer.
Starting with the outliers. Above the seasonal Maibachl (Karinthia, Austria; usually only in spring), following Rupite (Bulgaria), Pyatigorsk (Russia) and a report from Slovenia's Klevev啪 warm spring.

Those who have been following us from the beginning on might know this place: more than 2 years ago we already took a hot bath at sunrise in the hot springs near Rupite. This time we needed a shower, 馃毧 so it was just a quick Stop to wash hair with our „tea-mug-shower“. Did you know that Bulgaria has nearly as many thermal springs as Iceland? 
#hotsprings #hei脽equellen #hotspring #thermalquelle #thermalquellen #hotshower #outdoorshower #thermalsprings #thermalspringwater #thermalbaths #thermalbath #vanlife #vanlifegermany #realvanlife #vanlifereality #vanlifeeurope #vanlifemovement #vanlifeideas #vanlifeliving #travelove4u #bulgaria #bulgarien #bulgarienreise #bulgariatourism #lovebulgaria #balkan #rupite #bulgariatravel #thermalsprings #hotbath #badegumpen 
袘械褋锌谢邪褌薪褘泄 褋械褉芯胁芯写芯褉芯写薪褘泄 谐芯褉褟褔懈泄 懈褋褌芯褔薪懈泻. 袧邪 谐芯褉械 袦邪褕褍泻
Ana on the Run (Sep 16) translated:
What could be nicer than a morning bath. And not just any bath, but in a natural pool of thermal water. Although locals say that about a year ago this pool was hidden from tourists, this has changed this year. Klevev啪 has become a real tourist stop. We hoped that when we got to the pool, there would be no crowds. We were lucky, there was only one family there, but they were just leaving the pool and we were alone for a while. The water is really crystal clear and beautiful in color. It had a good 24 ° C and it was a really nice awakening. We soaked for quite some time until a whole bunch of people showed up all of a sudden. We dried up and slowly made our way towards our next stop, to the next place we were going to explore.
I love this hot spring near our house. I hope that people will start to appreciate nature and these beautiful places again 馃挩馃寠
Iceland then, lest we forget.
Above Hrunalaug, below Landbrotalaug, then the hot river of Reykjadalur.

You can get out BUT AT YOUR OWN RISK.馃槀 Either the wind will blow you away to the other side of island orrrr... people see you being naked. Choose your package!馃拋‍♀️ #travel #iceland #icelandroadtrip #hotpoticeland

Wish I was flashing Iceland right about now.
#reykjadalur #reykjadalurhotsprings #iceland #iceland馃嚠馃嚫 #iceland #icelandair #ringroad
Enero 40°C
#termasdesantafe #granada
Spain; above Andalucia's Santa F茅 (Granada), then below Prexigueiro (Ourense, Galicia) while the last in this paragraph is just north of border in France, Prats Balaguer.

Ya nos quedan pocos d铆as para salir de #Galicia. Y lo hemos disfrutado taaaanto.

Sabemos que no hay que comparar, pero es inevitable pensar en el #vantripEspa帽a parte 1, en el que fuimos desde #Catalunya hasta #Huelva y donde, vimos un mont贸n de cosas chulas, pero fue un viaje de estr茅s y momentos malos.

En este hemos tomado nota de los bien que lo hicimos en #Indonesia. Y hemos ido con la calma. A nuestro ritmo y parando cuando nos lo ped铆a el cuerpo.

Y s铆, ves menos cosas. Grabas menos. Pero y lo relajados que estamos... Y si no, mirad la foto. Solo le falta el Hashtag de #Aqu铆Sufriendo jaja.
¿Cu谩l ha sido vuestro mejor viaje en todos los aspectos y por qu茅? Contadnos vuestras experiencias viajeras.
#thewalkingtravel #twt #Ribadavia #Prexigueiro #norteEspa帽a #espa帽a #spain #northspain #couple #termas #termasdeprexigueiro #aguastermales #termasnaturales #termasgatruitas #vantrip #roadtrip #viajarenfurgo #vivirenfurgo

Si preguntan diles que me fui, que cog铆 el primer sendero que vi, que solo quer铆a intentarlo una vez m谩s, volver a ser feliz.

El calor emana de la tierra, tiermas, #navarra #spain#spain馃嚜馃嚫
#travel #travelphotography #travelgram #traveltheworld #travelblogger #pamplona #pamplonamegusta #pamplonairu帽a #paisajes #paisajesnaturales #paisajesespa帽a #tiermas #termas
Getting muddy; above Tiermas, (Navarra Spain), then Mar Menor (Murcia, likewise Spain) while we wash off the mud with Greek Macedonia's Krinides.

Why not?馃挋
螞伪蟽蟺蠈位慰蠀蟿蟻伪 螝蟻畏谓委未蠅谓


#wildsoul 馃挌馃崈
Il paradiso dietro casa
#adventure #nature #happy #freedom #wild #wildlife #sound #green #greenlife #amazing #happiness #life #aroundtheworld #love #siciliangirl #sicily #siciliabedda #crazyfriends
Italy; above on Sicily, the thermal springs of Segesta. Following Bagni di San Fillipo (Tuscany) and then finishing with the Pozza di Leonardo (Sondrio, Lombardy).

What a marvelous experience went back to one of the most powerful and gorgeous, hot spring of the world...Toscana have many places really beautiful, and so is always nice to stop by, and enjoy wild hot springs! San Filippo hot spring is a really magic place, thank u family to thrive all together in a better reality 馃馃К馃寛馃挅馃殌#hotsprings #bagnisanfilippo #toscana #gorgeous #fantastic #italy #lovefamily #family #cosmicbaby #lovemylife #bellissimo #termal
馃敟Hot Springs - what could be better after a tough week of training then a warm water session?
@bormio.info is well know for their warm water and famous @termebormio but there is also a unofficial hot spring right in the valley. Located next to the river it's just unique.
Feels a bit like being back in Colorado. @justin_reiter
#hotspring #water #spa #livemorenow #relax #outdoor #outside #nature_perfection #naturelovers #mountainview #waterpool #relax #enjoy #nevergrowingup

Sunday, September 20, 2020


bussen_folke at Valencia's Ontinyet (a warm spring):
Morgonen var regnig och sm氓kall, s氓 bad i en halvvarmk盲lla (25gr) piggar upp. Lite kaffe p氓 det s氓 var vi redo f枚r en biltur upp i bergen. Det v盲dret var vi dock inte redo f枚r! ❄馃槺
#ljummet #ban玫s #hotspring #bad #nature #intothewild #盲ventyr #adventure #lyxliv #roadtrip #letsgowestfalia #bussenfolke #campervan #vintagecamper #vanlife #vwcalifornia #vwmicrobus #campingbil #vwcamper #camper #westfalia #vwt4 #vwt4camper #vwt4california #t4california #t4owners
A pan-Europe wide issue presenting some neat photographic finds with some recent publications.
Let's start with this recent share by the European Geothermal Energy Council (Jul. 29): 
'Let’s take a look at 6 geothermal destinations in Europe to help you plan for a “renewable” holiday. 
The six are:
  • Tuscany, 
  • Disneyland (!; apparently all buildings are geothermally heated), 
  • Blue Lagoon (Iceland), 
  • Pammukale (Turkey), 
  • Budapest and 
  • Lanzarote. 
Personally, I would reckon this a far from complete list (author scoffs at then mention of Disneyland). My choice would certainly include Tuscany (with extension to northern Lazio) as well as Iceland, but could also include Sao Miguel (Azores), Ourense (Spain), Burgas (Bulgaria), the Aeolian islands or the Naples region (Italy), Milos (Greece), etc. ... 

virutxa (not far from Ourense):
Descubriendo nuevos para铆sos 
Over to the UK, geothermally not really red-hot. But Cornwalllive (Aug. 25) reports on the opening of geothermally heated bath: 
'You can now jump into the UK's first geothermal heated lido - right here in Cornwall. 
Jubilee Pool, in Penzance, has finally opened its geothermal spa to the public. 
The sustainable pool, filled with natural salt water, will reach 35 degrees using heat sourced deep underground, and is the first of its kind in the country. 
After several delays and much anticipation, the pool itself will opened to the public on September 1. 
A spokesperson for Jubilee Pool posted on the venue's Facebook page: "Our geothermal pool is opening to the public on Tuesday 1st September 2020. Tickets will be available to book online from noon on Tuesday 25th August'. 
A recent experience (Tripadvisor, Sep. 2020): 
'Gorgeous hour spent in the geothermal pool. The Lido is beautiful. We would definitely return. Come dressed in your cozzies if you don’t fancy using the open view changing cubicles'. 
Imagine (or not) spending all that money, only for there not being able to use changing cubicles. Maybe we've been overdoing the silly season?

Then to the other European extreme, Turkey. The Turkish Airlines (Aug. 20) published this: 
'There's no use staying at home all winter long. Winter holidays usually entail skiing but there is another alternative: thermal centers, thermal springs. The hot, mineralized waters of these spas will relieve your stress, soothe your soul and nourish your body. Before making any plans, take a look at our piece on the best thermal centers in Turkey'.
Have you ever sat in a century-old rusty bathtub with hot spring flowing right over you? This kinda setting is more luxury and thrilling than any five-star hotel for me! In the background of this secret hot spring are the ruins of the former Central Olympic Base of the USSR where many athletes stayed, overlooking the Black Sea.
Eshera is one of the many secret, abandoned hot springs in Abkhazia. As locals come here it’s not really a secret, but it’s definitely not in any guidebook. I came here again at night (swipe right) to bask under the moonlight. Would you prefer day or night?
Does the globe in the 3rd photo look familiar? Yes it’s the one on top of the Olympic hotel! We climbed the spiral tower to the rooftop for sunset 馃槂.
#abkhazia #secret #hotspring #sea #love #travel #traveler #wanderer #wanderlust #backpacker #backpacking #adventure #backpackersintheworld #traveler #nomad #travelgram #girlaroundworld #traveladdict #art #travelphotography #femmetravel #beautiful #traveldiary #lonelyplanet #womantravel #bestoftheday #instagood #travelinladies #amazing #picoftheday

Back to central Europe. Wandering Carol (Jul. 20) hits Wiesbaden, one of Germany's natural thermal baths:

'There are four spas in Wiesbaden, Germany, where you can bathe in thermal water, and they’re as different as night, day, moon and er, chocolate. (Sorry, I’m low on metaphors at the moment.) 
In addition to that, there’s an open air swimming pool of fresh water if you’re not desperately seeking out thermal water, which is scenically situated on Neroberg Hill.
There is also one place to taste the steamy mineral water, the pavilion by the rather ugly but much loved Kochbrunnen Fountain in the Kochbrunnenplatz in the Old Town.
Interestingly (at least I find it interesting) is the fact that the Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme is built on the site of the original Roman baths, which means you are seriously soaking up history here. So what’s not to like?
Well. You might not like the fact that the Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme is clothing free, a smaller version of the famed Roman-Irish Friedrichsbad in the spa town of Baden-Baden.
Outdoor Mineral Pool
The main reason I wanted to visit the Thermalbad Aukammtal is because it’s the only spa in Wiesbaden with an outdoor thermal pool. The pool can get crowded, however, so eventually I moved upstairs to the clothing-free sauna area, which has a smaller outdoor thermal pool. 
To my dismay, it wasn’t a Monday, which is Ladies Day at the Aukammtal, but I bared it all anyway and skuttled from place to place as quickly as I could, and overall, I found it more relaxing than the main section downstairs'.
mire_climbs at (Languedoc, France):
I think people can have a spiritual connection to landscape ⛲️ 
More central Europe, Hungary, where the geothermal news is all about splashing money. The Facebook page of Thermal Budapest notes (Sep. 17)
'The new thermal bath of Sikl贸s was opened last Thursday, thanks to an investment of HUF 2.4 billion (8.5 million euros).
The new facility can now host 3500 people in summer but the Thermal Spa Siklos offers 13 pools, amusement pools, wellness services, massage and saunas all year round.
The investment was backed by the local government. The constructor, Aquaplus Co., is in charge of the operation for 25 years. The next phase of the Sikl贸s development will be the inauguration of a brand-new, 4-star hotel with 44 rooms next to the spa'.
Earlier (Jul. 10) it also had this (sigh):
'New faciltities in Harkany Thermal Bath
The new thermal bath of Sikl贸s was opened last Thursday, thanks to an investment of HUF 2.4 billion (8.5 million euros).
The new facility can now host 3500 people in summer but the Thermal Spa Siklos offers 13 pools, amusement pools, wellness services, massage and saunas all year round.
The investment was backed by the local government. The constructor, Aquaplus Co., is in charge of the operation for 25 years. The next phase of the Sikl贸s development will be the inauguration of a brand-new, 4-star hotel with 44 rooms next to the spa'.
siphosethu1112, better with the old?
Getting my rude-ass out in the Rudas baths 馃崙 this place looked like the chamber of secrets 馃槀 #yolo #whynot #turkishbath #42degrees #peach #16thcentury #rudeynudey #ithappened
There was also a link to an article from the Hungarianinsider (Mar. 16):
'Even though thermal water was found in B谩bolna from wells drilled 37 years ago, it was never used due to its high methane content. Now, a new plant extracts the gas and uses it to heat the spa itself and some other municipal buildings. And visitors will now be able to enjoy warm, therapeutic waters at the B谩bolna spa. The plant cost HUF 500 million, of which it received HUF 200 million from EU funds. 
The spa is scheduled to open in May and will have the thermal baths as well as both winter and summer pools; the city will also create a park on close to 10 hectares nearby. 
Nordicvisitor has a primer (updated Aug. 19) on the Nordic region's spa traditions: Icelandic thermal baths, Finnish sauna (including the practice of “loyly”, Swedish massage and Friluftsliv : 
'What the friluftsliv? This term is a combination of the Norwegian words for free, air and life'.
katerina__vesela , somewhere on northern Iceland:
Po艡谩d tomu nem暖啪u uv臎艡it. Jdu si tak na proch谩zku a skon膷铆m v hork媒m vodop谩du o kter媒m ani m铆stn铆 nemaj铆 tu拧en铆 a nen铆 ani v map谩ch #onlyiniceland 馃馃嚠馃嚫
#iceland #hotwaterfall #hotwater #waterfall #traveliceland #waterfallsofinstagram #sograteful #loveit

And thus we arrive in Iceland. Here we can not fail to refer to an excellent article from the BBC Travel (Aug. 17) desk:

'Three months ago in the Icelandic capital of Reykjav铆k, hundreds of people queued outside the city’s largest swimming pool under the blueish glow of the midnight sun. As the date ticked over from Sunday 17 May to Monday 18 May, the excited crowd counted down until, at exactly 00:01, smiling staff unlocked the doors. 
The festive atmosphere outside Laugardalslaug pool was repeated around the city. The reason for the excitement was that Reykjav铆k’s public pools were reopening after eight weeks of closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 
The scenes were testament to the affection Icelanders hold for their public pools. Every Icelandic town, no matter how small, has a pool, or sundlaug. Most are outdoors, heated geothermally, include a hot tub and are open year-round, allowing Icelanders to enjoy their daily swim no matter the weather. 
Helgason grew up accompanying his father to the local pool daily. Now he’s working on a documentary, Swimming Pool Stories, due for release in October 2020, which examines the culture of public bathing as an important feature of everyday life. It may seem odd that visiting an outdoor pool is an ingrained part of a cold-climate country’s culture, but the pool is as much a social space as a place to exercise. 
Filming has taken Helgason to 100 pools around Iceland, where he got to know the many different kinds of people who frequent them. “Guests come from all walks of life,” he said, “clergymen, writers, farmers, seamen, teachers, academics, labourers, politicians and celebrities.” Functioning as a meeting place for a cross-section of society can have a levelling effect, he believes; sitting in a pool semi-naked means that “all the trappings associated with class or wealth through one’s clothing are gone. Now you are who you are. Nothing more, nothing less.” 
Records of public bathing in Iceland date to the 13th Century. In the west of the country, Snorralaug (Snorri’s Pool), a small circular pool used by Iceland’s most-celebrated literary figure, the saga writer Snorri Sturluson, is mentioned in Landn谩mab贸k (Book of Settlements) and Sturlunga saga. It was in the 20th Century, however, that pools became a fixture in everyday life, thanks to Iceland’s unique geology. 
But beyond preventing drownings, swimming was elevated in the early 20th Century for what J贸nsson and Rastrick describe as its “civilising effect”. It was related to the nationalist movement, Rastrick told me, “and, most specifically, the patriotic youth movement (Ungmennaf茅lag 脥slands) that promoted swimming… as a means to develop the physique of the members of the emerging independent Icelandic nation”. The link between medieval and modern Iceland was important for the nationalist movement, he added, so this emphasis on physical improvement linked “the bodies of modern Icelandic men to the heroes of the sagas”. 
“Icelandic winters are long, cold and dark and our summers are not particularly warm either,” Helgason said. “This means we’re always heavily dressed, we drive between locations and there’s little opportunity for leisurely downtown strolls or public socialising outdoors. All of this makes for a nation that is reserved by nature. However, once we’ve stripped off those layers of clothing and entered the hot tub, we become chatty extroverts.” 
That the pool fosters health in mind and body, as well a sense of equality, might be key to why Iceland regularly ranks as one of the world’s happiest countries. In his research, J贸nsson asked people how they felt after visiting a pool. Almost all responded that they felt “revitalised”, in both body and soul. He added, however, that “there is very little exotic here, only a quest for comfort [that’s] affordable for everyone”. 
The pool may be an essential feature of the local community, but visitors are always welcome as long as they respect etiquette. Little chlorine is used in order to maintain the purity of the water, so one of the most important rules is to first thoroughly wash, without a swimsuit, in the communal changing room. The lack of privacy can make foreign visitors uncomfortable, but it’s perhaps another example of the breaking down of barriers that the pool facilitates. 
Many also talk of the positive effect of seeing “real” bodies in their imperfect flesh – a sentiment I recognise. When I lived in Iceland in the mid-2000s, unable to sleep in the bright summer light, I developed an early morning ritual of visiting the local pool. Surrounded by women of all ages and shapes, I felt the insecurities that come with being a young woman washed away in the communal shower'. 

It's always hart warming to see that swimming and soaking traditions often reflect on societal standings: happiness indeed.

There's also a short 5 minute video (Jul. 23) from BBC which precedes the above but basically notes the same: Iceland's happiness is intrinsically entwined with it's bathing traditions whereby hot springs and geothermality are either directly or indirectly involved.

Skinny dipping in V铆ti 

More on the significance. Grapevine.is (Jul. 23) reported: 

'Back in June, the government paid out about 205 million ISK to support domestic travel in Iceland, in light of the effects of the current Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism industry. 
In the recreation category, baths and pools have proven their popularity in Iceland again. According to a report by Kjarninn, the Blue Lagoon has received travel vouchers worth 8 million ISK and V枚k Baths in East Iceland 4 million ISK. Other baths in the country, like the sea bath in H煤sav铆k, the Jar冒ba冒 (earth bath) by Lake M媒vatn or the beer bath in 脕rsk贸gs­sandur have likewise made a few million Icelandic kr贸na through the travel vouchers. 
In total, travelers have used 21 million ISK in vouchers to bathe in these places. With each voucher being worth 5,000 ISK, that would add up to 4,200 bathing trips'. 

That's more than 10% of the vouchers has been spent on soaking! 

Troll.is (Aug. 25) has a list in a touristy article on Iceland's soaks: 

There’s no question about it, one of the best things to do in Iceland is taking the opportunity to bathe in a natural geothermally heated hot spring. And, though I’ve given you my personal top seven hot springs in Iceland, you’ll form your own opinion as you explore some of these locations for yourself'.
Seekingoursomeday (Aug. 22) has a primer on Landbrotalaug hot spring: 
'Because the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs are hidden and more difficult to find, it meant we had the entire place to ourselves and they ended up being our favorite hot pots of our entire trip around Iceland! And spoiler the Landbrotalaug Hot Springs is actually TWO hot springs! 
#hotpoticeland #iceland #nature #travel #guidetoiceland #icelandphotography #exploringiceland #hotpot #bath #naturebathing #inthemiddleofnowhere #roadtripiceland #icelandicsummer #lostiniceland馃嚠馃嚫 #water #hotandcold #naturalhotsprings #outdoorphotography #landbrotalaug #landbrotalaughotspring #wheniniceland #wheniniceland馃嚠馃嚫 #nordictravel #woolcap #visualsoficeland #alliceland #lostiniceland #mywildlands
Via my listings I received another Italian tip (thank you Haga): Sasso Pisano. Haga commented:
'In Sasso Pisano, Tuscany, 100 meters from the Etruscan excavations, high up on a ridge there is a natural hot pool at 48c...hidden within bushes..fabulous'
I looked up this on internet a nice descriptive blog entry from irintronauti (May 13, 2017). Translated:
'The thermal baths of Sasso Pisano are perhaps among the least known free thermal baths in Tuscany. Definitely less spectacular than their bigger sisters like Bagni San Filippo and Saturnia, their charm lies in their intimate and rural character.
In Sasso Pisano, a small village in the Maremma Pisana in the Municipality of Montecatini Val di Cecina, surrounded by splendid hills in all seasons, you can bathe in the warm and healthy thermal waters in two places: the two natural pools on the small river, nearby of the remains of the Etruscan and Roman baths and near the Wash-houses of the Cemetery , one of which is splendid, recently restored (water at 36 °)'.
Following is a photo which I have been holding onto for quite some time. Which, I now realize, is Sasso Pisano.

qUaNdo RiSpettiAMO
... La NatuRa ...
NaScoNo poSti MagiCi 馃寛✨馃枻馃崈
tuRbaNte >>> @hell.v.yra <<<

Irintronauti also has an overview of other free Tuscan termi's; seven in all.

Slightly to the north of here, Thinkgeoenergy (Sep. 9) reports on another development, not necessarily for the good?
'With a resolution in August 2020, the regional council expressed a positive judgment of the environmental compatibility for a planned geothermal power project near the village of Montecastelli Pisano in Tuscany, Italy.
The planned construction of the Qualtra geothermal power plant has a planned net power generation capacity of 10 MW and is a development project by Magma Energy Italia.
The project has seen some local opposition with a feat on the impact on archeological features, fine arts and the landscape in the region.
The plant is planned to extract fluids and re-inject after usage without an emission. The planned well field will be consisting of six wells drilled from a single location, of which four wells are planned for production of geothermal fluids up to a depth of about 3,500 meters and two wells for re-injection of the extracted fluids. The project also includes the construction of an electrical substation'.


After a hectic day yesterday we decided to head inland to explore more of rural Italy (and basically just to get away from people). We found these incredible sulfur springs hidden in a derelict building...perfect for some r & r. Considering we didn’t speak to a single person all day I’d say mission ‘be unsociable’ was successful!#thermalbaths #italy #hotsprings #sulfursprings #derelictplaces #detelict #r&r #itsoktobeunsocial #exploring #quietmoments #sometimesyoujustneedspace #vanlife #camperlife #camperliving #vanlifeitaly #rurallife #ruralitaly
The above is a series of pictures which I recently stumbled on. More research pointed toward the place named Suio. A recent posting (Campiflegrei; Jul. 4, 2019) on Le terme di Suio with some translated text:
'Suio, a thermal hamlet of Castelforte (LT), is located on the extreme offshoots of the Aurunci mountains, near the Garigliano river. The town is divided into two main agglomerations: Suio Paese, on the hill with the ancient medieval castle, and Forma di Suio, at the foot of the castle next to the river, where thermal sulphurous waters flow. The locality Valle di Suio, at about 200 m asl, has great naturalistic merits; bathing establishments are concentrated in Terme di Suio. 
From the numerous and heterogeneous springs, in a strip between the Aurunco ​​ridge and the Garigliano river, hyperthermal waters (39-63 ° C) gush out at various sulphurous concentrations, with bicarbonate-alkaline-earthy-calcium presence; they are used for therapeutic purposes, but also for aesthetic-relaxing purposes, for baths, mud baths, inhalations, irrigations and insufflations to treat respiratory, ENT, arthrosic, skin and gynecological diseases. The waters, with varying degrees of mineral concentration, are also marketed in bottles as table water. 
Waters with temperatures from 0 ° to 60 ° are classified as the first in Italy and the third in Europe for the presence of iodine'.
Mylifetimetraveller (Aug. 20) heads over to the Aeolian island of Vulcano for a thermal mud experience (of sorts): 

'As of the moment, it is sad to say that the Mud Baths behind the beach are close due to the pandemic, Covid19. Moreover, as of the moment, there is no announcement yet when they will be opening the Mud Baths in Vulcano. 
However, you may enjoy still taking a bath and get a little mud from the seashore. Just like we did'. 
Finally, while on the mud, I have an entrance to drop the last photo, from northern Greece, the mudbaths of Krinides.

They say in life you have to try everything. So I had my first attempt at a thermal mud pool. The result - super soft skin and super relaxed Mariah. 馃憣馃徎 #amazingexperience #mudbath #supersoftskin #wasexpectinganalligator #greece #krinides